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Opportunities are Everywhere

A few Thursdays ago, I received an amazing opportunity to be recorded for a musical artist known as Late June. I am now going to be featured in his new album called "Gravity". The only reason I received an opportunity like this, was because I wasn't afraid to put myself out there. A few messages later and I found myself a friend for life, and a really cool passion project.

Putting ourselves out there can be a really terrifying thought, especially now-a-days where we can hide behind tiny glowing screens. However, these tiny glowing screens can be used for good. With today's technology in social media, we have the ability to communicate with people all across the world. Some of our favorite authors, musicians, and designers are a simple email away. We all know this, yet we allow our fear of feeling vulnerable to take away the possibilities of anything amazing being able to take place. Today I challenge you to send that email to the artists work you have always admired. The worst that can happen is they say no, or they don't respond. \

So what?

Maybe that wasn't the opportunity for you, or maybe they just never saw your email. These excuses are no reason to hold you back from making connections and meeting some pretty amazing people.


Please Note that the video below may contain explicit language and be sensitive to some viewers.

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