Hello my wonderful community. Today I want to bring the importance of self love to the spotlight. Use today as a stepping stone towards treating yourself better for your over all health so you can carry your best self everyday.
Many of my friends, including myself beat ourselves up everyday. We loom over not getting an A+ on that test, or think "Maybe I could have done better on that art piece if I put more time in". Sometimes we even call ourselves stupid or an idiot.
When these things take away your passion or paralyze you from growth, you need to step back and recognize these thoughts.
My yoga instructor once brought up a valuable perspective that I would like to share with you. She told me "We would never call any of our friends stupid or dumb for not being able to figure something out. Most of us encourage each-other to do better. So why would we call ourselves those negative words if we wouldn't ever say them to a friend"?
My yoga instructor brought up an amazing point. I would like to encourage you to try out this new system I call would-I-say-that-to-a-friend system to manage self doubt.
It is important to note that there is a difference between insulting yourself, and trying to improve. As long as you are not over-using this system to justify not getting an A on a test
, then you are using it right. Logically understand your feelings and thoughts so that you can build yourself to be better without beating yourself up over it.
The big take away is to grow and improve every single day without tripping over your own thoughts. Keep a smile on your face, and listen to your thoughts. Acknowledge them and see if they are serving you, or not serving you. If not, let them go.
I hope you have an amazing Valentine's day. Eat tons of chocolate and watch sappy romance movies. If anyone has any questions or personal matters they would like to talk about, feel free to comment and discuss with each-other, or message me. I am always a message away if you need someone to talk to.